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Camel Tour

Graduation Destination

On Sunday, June 23, 2021, I preached my last sermon. After 35 years as an ordained Lutheran Pastor, I graduated! 

What ride. What a conversation. What an honor it has been. I echo the words of St. Paul, “I have run the good race, I have fought the good fight.” Including my time at seminary and preparation for ministry, it has been a 40 year journey with God and his people. 

And now a new journey begins. A new adventure that is shaped by the Traveler’s Prayer. ‘O Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us, and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.’

A new chapter has begun in which I feel called to continue the journey. However, this time without a stole but a passport, without a congregation but a community of travelers. I feel called to lead tours and guide people to discover the wonders of the world. God’s world!

During the months of July and August, I have relaxed and relished the new sense of time.  I have also ran towards a new venture that gives shape to my passion to travel and teach. Next month, on September 13, my wife Sarah and I will launch our new venture called, Cathedral Travel. 

This enterprise is something that Sarah and I have dreamed about. We have spent countless hours asking the question, ‘What if we could do more of what we love, namely hosting tours and spending time with people?’ Well, this summer we spent time realizing our dreams and putting legs to our conversations. 

Cathedral Travel will be a part-time business that will enable us to plan and lead three to four tours a year. It will be a mix of international and domestic tours of approximately 24 - 28 people. We have already lead 15 tours in the past twenty years. We relish the possibility to continue to lead and learn together with fellow travelers. 

Scripture is the ultimate travel guide. Whether it is God telling Abraham to, “Go from your country…… to the land I will show you.” Or Jesus saying to his followers, “Go, therefore, and make disciples…..” Or St. Paul who traveled at least 6,000 miles on foot during his ten years of ministry!

The slogan of Cathedral Travel is, ‘Discovering the intersection of faith and history.’ We hope you will join us on one of our tours and discover the joy of travel and the wonder of learning! 

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