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START - Metro Station: Jaume I 

As you walk up and out of the METRO and look for the street called, Carre de Jaume I. You are entering the Old Town or Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. This is the oldest section and is filled with quaint alleys, historic buildings and wonderful tapas bars and restaurants. 

Walk west along Carre de Jaume I for two short blocks and turn right and head to the end of the street to Plaça del Rei. Here is Museu d’Historia de Barcelona - Barcelona History Museum, MUHBA. This is well worth the visit as it contains exhibits of Roman Barcelona including subterranean ruins. It is also is the location where Ferdinand and Isabella received Columbus upon his return voyage from America. 

Heading out of the MUHBA, head towards the Barcelona Cathedral. Walk around to the large plaza in front to admire this gothic edifice. You may choose to take a tour inside (well worth it and inexpensive. It’s choir stalls, crypt and cloister are very impressive.) or the adjoining Cathedral Museum to the left.  

Leaving the Cathedral turn left on Carrer del Bisbe and walk a couple blocks until you come under the Pont del Bisbe, a splendid Gothic arch connecting two buildings. Continue on to the Place de Sant Jaume. This is the site of the original Roman Forum or market. Look for Carrer de Sant Honorat, and walk a few blocks until you come to Sant Sever and take a left.  Walk one block and turn left again onto Carrer de Salomó ben Adret. Walk a dozen steps until you come to # 14. This is the location of our favorite tapas bar in Barcelona  L'Alcoba Azul. It is small, well stocked and off the beaten trail. 

You can enjoy an aperitif and dish of olives or ask to sit outside in the adjoining Plata de Manuel Ribe. This small square also hosts three other restaurants that are quite good if the Azul is busy. However, if you are in the mood for a real treat continue on a few yards until you come to Career de Marlet. Take a right and walk down this long narrow street for approximately fifty feet and on your left you will find a tiny restaurant. It’s specialty is eggplant and is run by a young husband and wife. It seats only 20 patrons, squeezed together at tables and the bar. Everything on the menu is delicious! 

At the end of  take a right on and walk one block to the corner of Carrer de l'Arc de Sant Ramon del Call. Here on the corner is a quirkily named shop called Satan’s Coffee Corner. Great spot to  enjoy an espresso or cappuccino. 

When you are done you can head west along Career de la Palle to the Rambla. This is the quarter mile long pedestrian boulevard filled with tips and people watching opportunities. 

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